Following an unexpected accident at work in Arizona, you may find yourself grappling with injuries, medical bills, and financial distress. While as an employee you have your rights and can seek compensation through a workers’ compensation claim, there are immediate steps to follow. Also, you may want to consult a Phoenix workers’ compensation lawyer¸ to know the worth of your claim and ease the whole process, as you stay back home and recover. In this post, we are sharing some basic details related to workplace injuries and hiring an attorney for your workers’ compensation claim. 

  1. Stay calm. First things first, do not panic immediately after the accident. If you need emergency services, let your coworkers know. Don’t move if you feel extreme pain or discomfort. 
  2. Inform the manager/supervisor. You are required to inform your manager or supervisor about the injury, and while you do have time for that, consider that at the earliest. You can also ask a coworker to inform the supervisor for now. 
  3. Do not blame or admit fault. Make sure that you don’t admit fault at the accident site. No matter the circumstances, do not blame anyone else either. Keep in mind that you have to file a workers’ compensation claim, so blaming someone else will hurt that. 
  4. File a claim with the Industrial Commission of Arizona. Note that there is a statute of limitations, which allows just one year from the date of injury, to file such claims, so you have to act immediately. 
  5. Call a lawyer. There is no law that requires you to hire an attorney for filing a workers’ compensation in Arizona, but this could be a wise decision. Hiring a lawyer is even more important when you have suffered serious injuries or are likely to suffer from temporary and permanent disabilities. 

Finding the right lawyer

Not all workers’ compensation lawyers in Arizona are the same, so do your homework. Most attorneys will offer a free initial consultation for prospective clients, and this is a great window to know your lawyer. First things first, ask the attorney what to expect from the claims process and how much you can realistically get in settlement. If your claim has been denied, ask what you can do further. In case you had a preexisting condition, your attorney should know about that too, as insurance companies often use that as an excuse to deny workers’ compensation claims. 

Call an attorney as soon as you can after the injury.