Low back pain is a common problem faced by many and massage may not seem like the number one treatment for it. However, there has been a lot of research that has shown that clinical massage therapy can actually be quite helpful in treating lower back pain and improving the functionality and mobility that was affected due to it.
In this article we will have a brief look at massage therapy and discuss whether it is a suitable treatment for lower back pain.
What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is often confused with a spa massage which is actually quite different from one another. Massage therapy is performed by a certified medical professional or massage therapist who has a complete knowledge of clinical massage therapy. The professional also has a proper knowledge of human anatomy as they have to work on the soft tissues of your body including muscles, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments, and skin.
A complete session of professional massage therapy includes a number of varied techniques used by the massage therapist that include varying degrees of pressure and movement that will help your muscles to relax and allow you to enjoy a complete therapeutic experience.
Massage therapy is now a part of many medical centers where it is used in combination with other treatments to treat a number of problems like lower back pain. Massage therapy can be quite helpful in treating a number of medical conditions and has gained the much-needed recognition in recent years.
Massage therapy for lower back pain
There has been a lot of research done on the effects of massage on lower back pain. Massage therapy has been recognized by a number of healthcare professionals as a legitimate treatment method for lower back pain and forms a very important part of pain management.
Studies have shown that more than fifty four percent of healthcare professionals have actually encouraged their patients to go for a professional massage therapy in addition to other medical treatment for lower back pain.
One of the studies conducted on massage therapy has shown that massage lessens lower back pain and also has other benefits like reducing depression and anxiety. It was also seen that massage therapy helped to improve sleep and induce overall relaxation.
With its many benefits and the ability to relax tight muscles, massage therapy can actually be considered to be a very beneficial treatment option for lower back pain. Here are some massage techniques for beginners for you to consider.
Benefits of massage therapy
Now that we have discussed what massage therapy is and how a professional clinical massage therapy can be helpful in treatment of lower back pain. Let’s go through some other important benefits of massage therapy that have many positive effects on your body. Some of these amazing benefits of massage therapy are as follows:
- Massage therapy helps to improve blood circulation that will accelerate the recovery of your muscles by reducing muscle soreness that comes from physical activity.
- Massage therapy will induce muscle relaxation that will give you improved range of motion and will also help in overall relaxation to help you rest better.
- Endorphin levels are increased with massage and it is considered to be one of the best benefits of massage therapy. It makes you feel good which actually helps a lot in managing chronic pain and can be helpful in alleviating lower back pain.
Many people think that massage might hurt and can make the problem worse, but if you actually go for a professional massage therapy that targets the right muscle groups and relaxes the tight muscles that may sometimes be the main cause of lower back pain.