The brain emits waves whose intensity is measured in hertz (Hz, one hertz being a ripple per second). We divide brain activity into 5 categories, according to the frequency of the waves emitted:

  • Gamma: 26-80 Hz. During a very strong brain activity (creativity, problem solving).
  • Beta: 12-38 Hz. These are the waves of normal brain activity (these are also the waves of REM sleep, that is, the short dream periods during sleep).
  • Alpha: 8-12 Hz. The waves of relaxation, meditation and relaxation of level 1 (light). The person is perfectly awake, but very relaxed.
  • Theta: 3-8 Hz. These are the brain waves of a state of deep relaxation, hypnosis or self-hypnosis. This is what we could describe as a “waking” sleep state. This state is normally achieved by experienced meditators, but also as we will see, by the users of certain recorded methods.
  • Delta: 0.2-3 Hz. It is a state of very deep sleep (no dream).

For the average person it is very difficult to control the frequency of the brain wave. Creativity and problem solving work more naturally and efficiently when the brain waves are in the “theta” zone.

Certain external phenomena can affect the rhythm of brain waves. The brain’s ability to tune to an external rhythm is attributed to a resonance effect. The practice of rhythmic activities, listening to appropriate music, can in the long run modify the activity of the brain waves. In case of the binaural beats meditation  this is important.

It Is Possible

It is possible to induce a change in the frequency of brain waves by the use of sound pulses emitted directly in the ears.

Binaural beat technique, the path to well-being and creativity

Normally the two hemispheres of the brain operate at a different rate. Better mental, intellectual and creative performance is obtained when we succeed in synchronizing the two hemispheres. This is what we get when we produce binaural beats , a technique discovered by Dr. Gérald Oster of the Mount Sinai medical school in New York and which was popularized by the Monroe Institute in United States.

  • When listening in stereo headphones, two similar sounds but on slightly different frequencies, the neurons of the brain will adopt a frequency equal to the difference. For example if the right ear perceives a sound at the frequency of 500 Hz and the left ear a sound at the frequency of 495Hz, the brain will adopt an activity at the frequency of 5Hz (a state of the Theta zone, which corresponds to deep relaxation or self-hypnosis). This is called: the residual frequency, a state that can induce the synchronization of the brain waves of the two hemispheres, binaural beats.