Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the infection of yeast or microorganism called Chlamydia that can be sexually transmitted. Chlamydia is among the most frequent sexually transmitted infections (STDs); approximately 50 million cases occur yearly worldwide and about three million new cases occur within the United States each year. The name “chlamydia” derives from the Greek word chlamy (light brown) and the Latin word atra (to break open). Chlamydia can affect any part of the body, but the most commonly affected areas are the urethra and the vagina. The disease is not easily detectable in most individuals; hence, most cases are not reported to the doctor or health care provider until complications arise. Canada Home Testing is worth a look.

requires laboratory testing that involves taking swabs of mucous from the inside of the rectum or penis or scrotum. The testing process reveals the presence of either a urethra or vagina infection that has not been cured by antibiotics. A positive test results signify that you have been infected with chlamydia. If you have been exposed to a contaminated partner who has been diagnosed with this disease, then you have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that can lead to complications such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease, and HIV/AIDS.

Pregnant women are susceptible to contracting chlamydia due to the fact that the infection often causes painful or bleeding urinary infections. If a pregnant woman has a history of STD that includes chlamydia, she is at high risk for transmitting the infection to her child. Thus, women who do not practice safe sex or do not use protection when engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners are particularly prone to being infected with chlamydia.

A telltale sign that a person has chlamydia, though, is the presence of rash or redness in the scrotum or testicles. Rashes that are dark red in color, painful, or that appear to be inflamed tend to indicate the presence of this disease. In addition to the rashes, an individual may also experience pain while urinating or during intercourse. If you feel an intense itching sensation along with either a rash or bleeding, then you might have just discovered you have chlamydia. Most people do not suffer from any symptoms of this STD, but if you do not abstain from sexual intercourse and/or do not use protection when having intercourse with multiple partners, you could be passing on the infection to your partner(s).

Because of the widespread prevalence of this disease, chlamydia has now been included in many of the STD clinics’ curriculum and treatment options. Chlamydia can now be treated using medications and medical procedures. Some people choose to go through more in-depth STD testing procedures in order to detect if they have chlamydia. If you have intrauterine devices, dental or vaginal intercourse with a person who is new to the area, you could be at risk for contracting chlamydia.

The majority of cases of chlamydia are treated successfully. However, if left untreated, some people can develop a form of resistant chlamydia. If you contract new chlamydia, or you become infected with another STD, such as gonorrhea, you should visit a local STD testing center. An STD testing center will offer treatment for both of the above mentioned infections, as well as prophylaxis against re-infection. Treatment procedures will vary based on the severity of your infection and current health. Some patients, however, may have to undergo surgery in extreme circumstances.