A miscarriage is defined as the natural end of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable. Many women who have suffered a miscarriage will tell you that it’s one of the most painful experiences they’ve ever endured. Most miscarriages happen between the sixth and twelfth week of pregnancy, but they can occur at any time. A doctor with experience in handling a miscarriage in Celebration can analyze your situation to determine if you are likely to have one and find ways to help you prevent it. While there is no one cause of miscarriage, there are a few things you can do to minimize your chances of having one.
- Avoid Narcotic Drugs
Narcotics are drugs that dull your nervous system’s responses. Many women use them during labor because they relieve pain without making the mother feel aware of the pain. Narcotic drugs can be used for post-operative pain but should never be taken by pregnant women. They decrease oxygen flow to the placenta and the fetus, causing both to suffer.
- Stay Away From Tobacco, Alcohol, and Cocaine
Cigarettes contain carbon monoxide, which binds to the oxygen-transporting hemoglobin cells in your body. This binding makes it harder for blood cells carrying oxygen to reach the fetus. Cigarette smoking also decreases blood flow to the uterus and affects hormone levels in pregnant women. Women who smoke are five times more likely to have a miscarriage than those who don’t.
Heavy drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome, which can lead to miscarriage. Alcohol also affects the development of the fetus and increases the risk of congenital disabilities.
- Eat a Healthy Diet
Whole grains and fresh, organic vegetables and fruits should be a part of your diet. Eating meat can raise homocysteine levels in your blood, an amino acid that may increase the risk of clot formation. Also, avoid foods rich in sugar and unhealthy fats.
Avoid RadiationsX-rays, CT scans, and other forms of radiation can be harmful to a developing fetus. If you need to have a diagnostic test that involves radiation, let your doctor know so they can take measures to protect the fetus.
- Get Early Prenatal Care
Regular prenatal care is one of the best ways to prevent a miscarriage. During prenatal visits, your doctor will check to ensure you are healthy and that the fetus is growing. Your doctor will also answer any questions about your pregnancy and know what lifestyle changes need to be made.
- Avoid Environment Stressors
Caring for four or more children, working more than 40 hours a week, and having long commutes can increase your stress levels. All these factors have been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage. If possible, try to reduce the amount you are doing to focus on the pregnancy without being stressed out.
In summary, a miscarriage is the natural end of a pregnancy that occurs before the fetus is viable. While you cannot prevent a miscarriage, you can take some measures to reduce the likelihood of having one. Make sure you stay away from narcotics and recreational drugs. Also, maintain a healthy diet and exercise moderately. Getting early prenatal care and avoiding environmental stressors can also help.